Saturday, August 25, 2007

Could I HAVE enough to do?!

A rhetorical question to be read in the style of Chandler Bing; I'm only happy when I have too much to do. It makes me feel wanted, needed, necessary (my moment of self-psychoanalyzing for the day) and yes, creative. Like we claim a messy desk means a fertile mind? My messy life means I'm full of...

Hang on.

This blog is for all things creative in this bee's life; writing fiction, freelancing my non-fiction, designing and making jewelry, handbags and whatever else I might come up with, decorating on the thrift, all things do-it-yourself and stuff. I'm going to write stuff down, show pictures - you write stuff back, show pictures. I fully believe that creativity shared is creativity squared.

Did I mention my interest in creative catch phrases?

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